SharePoint Vitals API

SharePoint Vitals API

SharePoint Vitals API

SharePoint Vitals brings all the user activity data you could ever want to your fingertips. Now you can access your analytics data through a REST API.

For more information about the client app that captures analytics data, visit

The dashboard for seeing the aggregated data and scheduling reports can be found here:

Version 1.0

This version of the API has had an upgrade to the security layer. Please see the necessary guides to find the changes.

Executive Summary:

Instead of sending your customer code (license key) through the URL parameters, this detail must go through the headers. You will also need to include your API key. Navigate to to generate this API key.

Version 2.0


Get trend reports or summaries over a selected date range or get a live-stream for a relative period.

Error Codes

Status CodeDescription
401Unauthorised access if there is a problem verifying your access keys.
400Problem exists with a parameter.
500Exceptions occuring with the API itself.

Special Parameters


summaryTotal number of views per resource for the selected period.
trendA report showing the number of records as well as the number of total views per day over the selected period.
auditA combination report of the trend report including the summary report per day.


  • activeusers
  • pagehits
  • visitedsites
  • pagehitsperuser
  • userspersite
  • documentspersite
  • documentsperuser
  • videoreport
  • userhistory
  • pageclicks
  • searchterms
  • devices
  • devicesperuser
  • browsers
  • browsersperuser
  • siteaccesshistory
  • heatmap


Generate an API key through the SharePoint Vitals dashboard and include it with your existing license key in the request header. Navigate to to generate an API key.


Absolute Period

Enter a custom date range between 2 points in time.

api/v2/sharepoint/{type}/{report}?parameters [GET]

  • Request Parameters
fromDateDATEThe date to select records from. (default is today)
toDateDATEThe date to select records to. (default is today)
topNUMBERReturn a limited number of records. For example: top 15 active users. The default is (0) to fetch all records without limit.
skipNUMBERUse this to page through large volumes of records.
usersTEXTFilter the request by a specific user (username in the form Multiple users can be separated by a comma (,)
sitesTEXTFilter the request by a specific site. Multiple sites can be separated by a comma (,)
filterTEXTSome reports offer filtering specific to the report. For example: Devices, Browsers or Document
orderByCountBOOLEANSort the records by their count value. Otherwise sort by page load time.
orderDescendingBOOLEANSort records by the largest value first.

Example CURL Request

curl -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'X-SPVITALS-CUSTOMER: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' \
  -H 'X-SPVITALS-POWERBI-KEY: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' \

Example JavaScript (ajax) Request

  "async": true,
  "crossDomain": true,
  "url": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "headers": {
    "X-SPVITALS-CUSTOMER": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "X-SPVITALS-POWERBI-KEY": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Example Responses

  • Summary Report Response 200 (application/json)

          "value": [
                  "user": "",
                  "displayName": "Maddison Francis",
                  "count": 205,
                  "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                  "user": "",
                  "displayName": "Ashton Sutton",
                  "count": 189,
                  "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                  "user": "",
                  "displayName": "Bruno Edwards",
                  "count": 149,
                  "averagePageLoadTime": 0
  • Trend Report Response 200 (application/json)

          "value": [
                  "date": "2019-04-01",
                  "recordTally": 31,
                  "totalCount": 733,
                  "summaryData": null
                  "date": "2019-04-02",
                  "recordTally": 29,
                  "totalCount": 679,
                  "summaryData": null
                  "date": "2019-04-03",
                  "recordTally": 0,
                  "totalCount": 0,
                  "summaryData": null
  • Audit Report Response 200 (application/json)

          "value": [
                  "date": "2019-04-01",
                  "recordTally": 3,
                  "totalCount": 733,
                          "user": "",
                          "displayName": "Maddison Francis",
                          "count": 205,
                          "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                          "user": "",
                          "displayName": "Ashton Sutton",
                          "count": 189,
                          "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                          "user": "",
                          "displayName": "Bruno Edwards",
                          "count": 339,
                          "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                  "date": "2019-04-02",
                  "recordTally": 3,
                  "totalCount": 679,
                          "user": "",
                          "displayName": "Maddison Francis",
                          "count": 205,
                          "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                          "user": "",
                          "displayName": "Ashton Sutton",
                          "count": 189,
                          "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                          "user": "",
                          "displayName": "Bruno Edwards",
                          "count": 285,
                          "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                  "date": "2019-04-03",
                  "recordTally": 3,
                  "totalCount": 543,
                          "user": "",
                          "displayName": "Maddison Francis",
                          "count": 205,
                          "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                          "user": "",
                          "displayName": "Ashton Sutton",
                          "count": 189,
                          "averagePageLoadTime": 0
                          "user": "",
                          "displayName": "Bruno Edwards",
                          "count": 149,
                          "averagePageLoadTime": 0
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